Oil Filter (complete) for Mitsubishi 4D31 on Diesel Engine Trader

Oil Filter (complete) for Mitsubishi (4D31) Back to Search

Listed by Machinery and Truck PartsSeller's Other Parts

Spare Part Info

Listing ID 556453
Description Oil Filter (complete)
Condition Used
Quantity 1
Price 49.99

Alternative Part Numbers

Part Number Brand

Engine Specifics

Engine Make Mitsubishi
Engine Model 4D31
Cylinders 4

Location Info

Country United States
State TN

Mitsubishi Oil Filter (complete)
 alt=  alt=  alt=  alt=

Machinery and Truck Parts

Contact Jake May
Phone 1 800-696-5459
Phone 2
Cell Phone 800-696-5459
Email machineryandtruckparts@gmail.com
Website machineryandtruckparts.com
Address 594 Cardiff Valley Rd., Rockwood, 37854
Country United States


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Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
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