Mitsubishi 6D24-TE1 for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader

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Listed by Hamofa NL BVSeller's Other Engines

Engine Info

Listing ID 120737
Make Mitsubishi
Model 6D24-TE1
Serial No. X
Cylinders 6
V / Inline Inline
Power 228 Kw / 305 HP
RPM @ 2200 RPM

General Info

Condition Runner
Application Industrial
Cooling Water
Lead Time In Stock

Location Info

Country Netherlands
Mitsubishi 6D24-TE1
 alt=  alt=

Hamofa NL BV

Contact Richard van der Horst
Phone 1 +31 527 699 292
Phone 2
Cell Phone +31 6 130 03 031
Fax +31 527 617 157
Address Produktieweg 15, p box 1105, Emmeloord, 8304AV
Country Netherlands


Contact the seller

Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
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Customer Testimonials

'Been using since 2010, it's much better value than eBay and works pretty good for us!'

Lius, R & L Diesel Service Inc, Stockton, USA

'It took 8 months to sell a Case engine that I listed on - but I was very happy because it had been in our inventory for over 3 years! Was very happy with the price I got for it too!'

Rick Fulkroad, Flight Source Inc., Halifax, USA

'I had a Cummins ISX600 sitting in my shop for 2 years and finally managed to sell it through! Great service and I like the way that the Buyer was able to phone me directly.'

David G Bouchard, Los Angeles, USA


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